How Does It Work?

  1. Get an Overview
    • Get a first impression of the way scalestaar works in a meeting without engagement on your part, either online or at your premises
  2. Gain Trust
    • As your service provider pursuant to Article 50a of the WPO, we are committed to protecting the trust established between you and your clients
    • First off, you will receive a confidentiality statement together with passwords to protect your client’s sensitive data
  3. Give Us a Try
    • Submit your documents as well as the tools and templates required for documenting your audit results by e-mail or via our portal
    • We shall then carry out your audit activities as per your written instructions
    • Finally, our audit results, which we have documented in your tools and templates, will be returned to you together with your documents as a zip file, either by e-mail or via our portal
  4. Become Our Client
    • We would be happy to see you employ scalestaar in the future. Any details will be discussed in a preparatory conversation
    • On its Forms and Memoranda page, the WPK (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer – Chamber of Public Accountants) has provided a sample contract for external service providers for download. This is a non-committal template for an agreement between a PA practice/SA practice/PA firm/firm of SAs and an external service provider. We are happy to use this sample contract as the basis for an individual agreement.

      How to contact us:

      Phone: +49 (0) 69 95102624
  5. Recommend us!
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