About Us

With scalestaar, you get a strong team of experienced auditing professionals and highly motivated, performance-driven commercial clerks to assist with your auditing needs, as well as technicians to ensure the safety of your data transfers and paperwork within a secure cloud environment. The founder of scalestaar, Sandra Briggs, hold themselves personally responsible for the quality of deliverables as well as IT security and reliability.

Sandra Briggs, a graduate in business administration and managing partner of scalestaar, is responsible for the operative business, expansion, and personnel of the company.

She has been active in the fields of auditing and consultancy for 20 years, 17 of which were spent with “Big 4” accounting and consultancy firms, notably in the areas of Audit Financial Services and as the team leader of a Shared Service Center (SSC) for fund auditing.

As audit manager, Sandra supervised several annual audits, resource allocation audits, ISAE 3000 audits, and ISAE 3402 audits of banks and financial services institutions, as well as auditing investment funds. As fund auditing SSC team leader, she aided in the SSC’s establishment and supervised the auditing of annual security reports of almost all German investment companies applying standardised audit procedures.